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The Team...travels 

Inspiration, Perfectionism & Passionate ~

  • We design beautiful interiors inspired by your uniqueness & lifestyle.

  • We execute designs precisely to achieve perfection in your homes.

  • Our Passion for design is your assurance we will exced your expectstions.

Who are we...

Our Promise to you:

Phyllis has lived & traveled extensively through many regions of the world and worked with clients in Asia, India & The Middle East

Phyllis & Her son Benjamin in Thailand with their adopted elephant BoonPark

Jonathan S. Tibet

Principle & Director of Design..Phyllis Burke Russell

Principle & Business Director..Wendi Mason

Lu-Lu H...China & Switzerland

Elizabeth M...Greece & India

Group Trip to Italy

The Forbidden City, Beijing, China

Shanghai, China

Phyllis & Wendi with the design team in Shanghai, China

Wendi and her family are long time residences of the triad.  She has been involved in practicing & instruction of Tai Chi for numerous years.  

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